About College
Dayanand Sagar College of Pharmacy, Bangalore is a unit of Dayanand Sagar Institution Group (DSI). It currently offers diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the field of Pharmacy. Besides high-calibre teaching staff, the students of Dayanand Sagar college of Pharmacy are given a challenging academic environment with well-equipped lecture theatres, laboratories, excellent libraries and computer networking facilities. Besides academics, the institute also have exceptional sports facilities. The institute aims to achieve all the objectives in an environment that enhances student’s creativity, innovation and scholarly pursuits within the stated values.
Facts and Figures of Dayanand Sagar College of Pharmacy:
Institute type
Trust Associated
Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Peetha Trust
Rajiv Gandhi university of Health Sciences
Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)
Campus Strength
Placements Percentage
Student Strength in 2014
Library Collections
1000+ Journals
How to Reach
Nearest Railway Station – Bangalore at 11 Km
Why to join Dayananda Sagar College of Pharmacy?
Eminent Faculty – 100+ Master’s and doctors degree holder (PhD) faculties from top universities.
Career Enhancement – GATE, CAT, Campus selection preparation, Personality development course, Public Service exams, and research papers research papers.
Placement opportunities – DSI 100% campus selection is offered by companies like Accenture, IBM, Aticulus Consulting, Skyfi labs,etc.
Academic Tie Up’s – IBM centre of excellence, IEEE, Largest academics alliances with the world, Dr Stuart Hart of Cornel University.
College Achievements - 2010-11 Best Display Award in the Deccan Herald education exhibition against 300 colleges, Largest Exchange Students from campuses across the world, student chapter of IEEE at DSI is declared as the Best in the country
College Infrastructure and Facility