About College
college of Agri Business Management (CABM), Pantnagar was established in 1996. The institute is approved by AICTE. The college has been set up by G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. The aim of the institute is to impart education and honing skills in the knowledge domain of Business Administration. The college is continuously striving to achieve excellence by developing a complete human being and leader in their own fields and also to provide this country an Agricultural independence with an opportunity to become self-reliant.
- Harbinger of Green Revolution
- Stretched across 10,000 acres
- Conferred Sardar Patel ICAR Outstanding Institution Award twice in 1997 and 2005.
- First State Agricultural University to launch MBA (Agribusiness)
- Imparting highest order of education and skills in different branches of study particularly agriculture, rural industry, business and allied subjects.
- Furthering the prosecution of research, particularly in agriculture and allied sciences
- Undertaking field and extension Programs.
- LIBRARY:- Library is the heart of the institution with state-of -art facility, acting as a center for the collection of literature with more than 4 lakh books and audiovisual material. It provides continuous access to online journals and Online Reference Retrieval System through CD ROM and Internet. It has established DSpace digital repository and e-Learning portal.
- AUDITORIUM:- Centrally located Auditorium has a colossal seating capacity (1200+). Most up-to-date acoustically designed and centrally air-conditioned theater equipped with the finest projection and illumination technologies.
- CENTRAL COMPUTING FACILITY:-Central Computing Facility (CCF) was funded by World B a n k u n d e r " Te c h n i ca l Ed u cat i o n Q u a l i t y Improvement Programme" (TEQIP) with the total costof Rs 65 million. It is equipped with around 225 terminals including graphic workstations and high end desktops and the number is still increasing post expansion. Campus is connected with the CAT-6 server that utilizes an 8 Mbps line.
- STADIUM:- Following the quote, the university has outfitted itself with sports complex encompassing national standards.
The inception of College of Agribusiness Management in the year 1996 added a new chapter to the history of University. Having groomed managers and leaders of the corporate sphere for over a decade, CABM boasts a legacy of Excellence & Integrity in every student. Grueling and stringent selection procedures, establishment of international linkages and CABM emphasis on keeping the curriculum concurrent with the dynamics of ever evolving global business environment and economic realities makes it truly a distinguished educational center benchmarked with the best in the world. With the passage of time the institution has earned following hallmarks:-
- The Flagship academic programme, MBA (Agribusiness )which has established itself a unique brand in
management education since 1998
- Recognizing the evolving human resource requirements of the manufacturing & service industry, MBAexclusively
for engineers initiated in 2006
- “To provide qualified, well-trained,
- Finance Management
- Human Resource and Personnel Management
- Business Economics and Policy
- Marketing Management
- Production Management
- The candidates will have to appear in Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) conducted by AICTE.
The CABM will use the score of entrance examination for short listing the candidates for two year full time MBA
programme. The candidates short listed on the basis of the score will have to appear for Group Discussion and
Personal Interview at CABM, Pantnagar on specified date(s). The candidates willing to seek admission in the
programme will have to apply to CABM, Pantnagar separately.
College Infrastructure and Facility