Which are the top B.Tech engineering colleges in India that specialise in cyber-security and networking

Which are the top B.Tech engineering colleges in India that specialise in cyber-security and networking ?

Gaurav , 12 May 2018

1 Answers

Studying CSE at Amrita University’s Amritapuri campus is a good choice. Granted it’s a generic B.Tech program and not a specialization but there is a very active CTF team in the campus - team bi0s. The team regularly participates in CTF style computer security competitions and does pretty well - last year the team was ranked number 1 in India among all CTF teams (CTFtime.org / CTF teams) and finished 75th worldwide. The club is pretty rigourous and most members learn advanced application security concepts normally not covered in regular B.Tech. Follow the link : Top B.tech engineering colleges in India