Which is the top university in UP for b tech

Which is the top university in UP for b tech? ?

Pankaj , 17 Apr 2018

1 Answers

Sankriti University is the top university in UP for engineering. B. Tech degree awarded by this top rated institute carries a lot of weight in the job market as it enjoys an excellent reputation in the field of engineering education. Enrolling as such in accomplished institute will help you leverage its brand power in the market. Follow the link : top university in up for b tech

Which is the top university in UP for b tech ?

Roshan , 10 May 2018

1 Answers

Which is the top university in UP for b tech ?

Andy , 02 Jun 2018

1 Answers

Obviously,Its MNIT as its one of the top ranked engg college in Country. It has good infrastructure, excellent faculties,and many more things. Follow the link : top universities in up