Which books are nearly the best for clearing the IIT JEE

Which books are nearly the best for clearing the IIT JEE ?

Neelam , 15 Feb 2018

1 Answers

Nearly the best? This implies you don't want the best. Its all about the right words my friend! I don't know about the 'nearly best' books. I can suggest the books I've found to be the 'best' for JEE preparation. Physics: HC Verma. You can't go wrong with this. Treat every word written by this guy as the Holy Grail for JEE preparation. Maths: TMH for Algebra, SL Loney for Coordinate and Amit M Agarwal for Calculus. NCERT should be enough for Vector and 3D Chemistry: P Bahadur for Physical, NCERT for Inorganic and Himanshu Pandey for Organic Chemistry. All the Best!