What is the placement status for VIT BTech 2017 for Final Year Student

What is the placement status for VIT BTech 2017 for Final Year Student ?

Neelam , 12 Feb 2018

1 Answers

If you're talking about the 2017 passing batch. I can tell you certain certain cracks are emerging. Being from the same batch, I could see the shine wearing off from VIT placements. Even the mass recruitment companies were wary about hiring a truckload of students this time around. I can tell you that if you're a good student with a good set of programming skills, you can get a very good package at VIT. But for the large proportion of the population, the reality is no longer as simple as it was before. If you want to work at a pay scale far greater than the one offered by mass recruiting IT companies, you will have to put in a lot of extra effort.

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