What is the JEE Mains marks vs rank 2017 ratio

What is the JEE Mains marks vs rank 2017 ratio ?

Siddhartha singh jadaun , 07 Feb 2018

1 Answers

The analysis has been given below for JEE Mains 2017 Marks Rank >310 โ€”- Less than 100 309-290 โ€”โ€”- 101-200 289-270 โ€”โ€” 201-500 269-255 โ€”โ€” 501-1000 254-247 โ€”โ€” 1001-1500 246-240 โ€”- 1501-2000 239-232 โ€”- 2001-2500 231-225 โ€”- 2501-3000 224-217 โ€”- 3001-3500 216-210 โ€”โ€” 3500-4000 209-207โ€”โ€”4001-4500 206-204 โ€”- 4501-5000 203-200 โ€”- 5001-5500 199-197 โ€”- 5501-6000 196-195 โ€”- 6001-6500 194-192 โ€”- 6501-7000 191-190 โ€”โ€” 7001-7500 189-185โ€”- 7501-8000 184-182 โ€”- 8001-8500 181-179 โ€”โ€” 8501-9000 178-177โ€”โ€” 9001-9500 176-175โ€”- 9501-10,000 175-165โ€“10001-20,000 164-140โ€”20,001-50,000 139-125โ€”50,001-75,000 124-110โ€”75,001-110,000 109-95โ€”110,001-162,000 94-80โ€”162,001-280,000