How does LPU collaborate with industry experts to understand the evolving skills required for the job market?

How does LPU collaborate with industry experts to understand the evolving skills required for the job market? ?

Ankit Rawat , 18 Mar 2024

2 Answers

hi Lovely Professional University (LPU) collaborates with industry experts in a number of ways to understand the evolving skills needed in the job market. 1. **Industry Advisory Councils:** LPU forms industry advisory councils consisting of experienced professionals, managers and experts from various industries. These advisory boards meet regularly to discuss industry trends, technological advances, skills and future jobs. They provide valuable information, advice and feedback on the skills and qualifications graduates need to succeed in the job market. 2. ** Guest Lectures and Workshops:** The University invites industry experts, practitioners and thought leaders to deliver guest lectures, conduct workshops, seminars and trainings for students. These sessions cover topics such as emerging technologies, industry best practices, current market trends and in-demand skills. Industry experts share their practical experiences, case studies and perspectives with students, helping them understand real-world challenges and requirements. 3. **Industrial projects and internships:** In collaboration with industrial partners, LPU provides students with industrial projects, internships and practical internship opportunities. Students work on real projects, solve industry-related problems and gain practical experience by applying their skills and knowledge. This direct interaction with industry experts helps students gain specific skills and knowledge of job duties and expectations. 4. **Curriculum preparation:** The university has experts in the field of curriculum preparation, revision and improvement. Industry input is used to update course content, integrate new technologies, develop industry-specific elective courses and align learning outcomes with industry standards. This ensures that graduates have the latest skills and qualifications that employers require. 5. **Skills Assessment and Surveys:** LPU conducts skills assessments, surveys and feedback sessions with employers, recruiters, alumni and industry associations. These assessments help identify skills, new skills and areas for improvement. With the help of collected feedback, skill development programs, workshops, certifications and training projects are tailored to the requirements of the industry. 6. **Collaborative research:** The university collaborates with industrial partners on research projects, innovation projects and technological development. This collaboration promotes knowledge exchange, technology development, and knowledge of industry-specific skills and qualifications that the future workforce will need. Overall, LPU's collaboration with industry experts ensures that its academic programs remain relevant, industry-specific , and development- focused. the skills, knowledge and attributes that students need to succeed in the evolving job market.

LPU collaborates with industry experts in several ways to understand the evolving skills required for the job market: Guest Lectures and Workshops: The university invites industry experts to conduct guest lectures, workshops, and seminars for students. These sessions cover topics related to industry trends, best practices, emerging technologies, and skill requirements. Guest speakers share their insights, experiences, and expertise, helping students understand the skills needed to succeed in the job market. Industry Projects and Internships: LPU collaborates with industries to offer hands-on projects, internships, and experiential learning opportunities for students. Industry partners provide guidance, mentorship, and feedback to students working on projects related to real-world challenges. This practical experience allows students to develop relevant skills and understand the demands of the job market. Partnerships and Collaborations: LPU establishes partnerships and collaborations with companies, organizations, and professional associations to facilitate industry engagement. These partnerships provide opportunities for joint research projects, training programs, internships, and other initiatives aimed at bridging the gap between academia and industry. By collaborating with industry experts through these various channels, LPU ensures that its academic programs remain aligned with the evolving skills required for the job market, ultimately preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.