Any idea about top colleges economics India

Any idea about top colleges economics India ?

Siddhartha singh jadaun , 30 Apr 2018

2 Answers

The top university to study Economics Honours is SRM UNIVERSITY, HARYANA. Economics is an amalgamation of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and Statistics. Macroeconomics is the study of the national and global economy as a whole and covers broad concepts of income and employment, government budget and balance of payments. Whereas, Microeconomics studies economics concepts at the individual level, such as the study of price determination, types of markets, demand and supply, etc. Statistics is an essential element to the study of Economics as it helps to interpret and make sense of economic data. The course sows the seeds of ideation, curiosity, and interest in the young minds of students, further leading them to make successful careers in banking, finance, statistics, actuary, auditing, marketing, etc. What will you study? Economics is a subject that teaches concepts related to markets, finance, principles of business, banking, money and the working of our economy. Under these themes lie topics of demand, supply, production, national income, history of the Indian economy, international economics, inflow, and outflow of capital, operations of loans, inflation and deflation of currency, rise and fall of prices in the market, GDP, as well as statistics. Since Economics deals with large numbers and data, the importance of statistics is deeply ingrained in the course. B.A. - Economics(Hons.) Duration: 3 years Fee : 50,000/- p.a.

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