
Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag

Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag fulfils the requirements of several students regarding education in both engineering and technical domains. Established in 1997, it is renowned for its path breaking facilities, awesome infrastructure and excellent faculty.

  Civil Computers Electronics Electrical Mechanical
1G (General) 47411 61891 51928 82100 71463
1K (Kannada) -- -- -- -- --
1R (Rural) -- -- 95566 -- --
2AG (Reserved Category) 43320 50493 44636 66239 57921
2AK (Reserved Category Kannada) -- -- -- 66823 --
2AR (Reserved Category Rural) -- 54099 -- 68388 60985
2BG (General Category) 39657 55146 45774 71512 58602
2BK (Kannada) -- -- -- -- --
2BR (Reserved Rural) -- -- 54426 -- --
3AG (Reserved General) -- 53701 46620 72267 50692
3AK (General Kannada) 46566 -- -- -- --
3AR (General Rural) 67969 -- -- -- --
3BG (Reserved General) 38387 48473 46787 64687 53409
3BK (Reserved Kannada) -- -- -- -- --
3BR (Reserved Rural) -- -- -- -- 54191
GM (General Merit) 35674 47085 42318 62347 50221
GMK (General Merit Kannada) -- 47463 43352 -- 51341
GMR (General Merit Rural) 38494 48016 46960 66222 53641
SCG (Schedule Caste General) 55012 75428 87037 93001 82041
SCK (Schedule Caste Karnataka) -- -- -- -- 91288
SCR (Schedule Caste Rural) -- 92972 -- 96580 101071
STG (Schedule Tribe General) 50496 -- -- -- 66128
STK (Schedule Tribe Karnataka) -- -- -- -- --
STR (Schedule Tribe Rural) -- -- -- -- --